Friday, May 22, 2009

Revival Hymn Video

It was a link such as this that caused me to start this blog.  I have been receiving so many emails with GREAT stuff contained in them and I wanted to share it with the WORLD!  Sure, I would forward it to my "friend group" but somehow I felt there were more people that I needed to share it with. I wanted a bigger audience to hear these treasures from days-gone-by. 

I pray you enjoy the Revival Hymn (as much as I have!  In this video you will hear Leonard Ravenhill recounting a great work of God along with many other great ministers of the Gospel.  (also try the Google video link: the Revival Hymn.)  You will hear Ian Praisley, Paris Reidhead, Duncan Campbell, A.W. Tozer and T. Austin Sparks as they are set to video as shown on You-Tube.  This is probably the most remarkable recording I have ever heard on the testimony of our Great God.  I pray you are moved, changed and transformed as you listen.

For more information the Revival Hymn homepage.
For the Revival Hymn transcript.
Listen to another teaching on the Revival on the Isle of Lewis.