Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ten Shekles and a Shirt

This is the link for the teaching by Paris Reidhead called Ten Shekles and a Shirt taken from the book of Judges, chapter 17.  This series is on You Tube as a six part series.  See below for the links:

Paris was born in a Minnesota farming community in 1919 and in his late teens committed himself to a life of Christian service.

I have to say that there must have be something in that era that reminds me of my father.  In listening to this link and Paris's way of teaching, it brought back many memories of how my father would talk and teach.  His whole discussion on humanism seemed like it was something my father would say.  I could almost hear my father's voice as Paris was speaking.

You may ask why it matters about my father, but there is more to this that is fascinating to me.  You see, my father was also born in Minnesota and just a year before Paris in 1918.  It makes me wonder if there was some teaching that was in the school system or better yet, the family system, that planted these seeds in two totally different men but with similar geographical starts.

I am not at all saying that my father and Paris had the same life or callings as my father took most of his life to live by the principles that Paris is speaking about, but I find it interesting, as I reflect on my father's life in the late '70's, how his focus was similar to that of Paris in this teaching; that life is not all about fun and our pleasure and how humanism is invading Christianity.

Transcript of Tape: Ten Shekles and a Shirt
A second Transcript of teaching: Ten Shekles and a Shirt
Downloads of Ten Shekels and a Shirt