Friday, June 5, 2009

The Obama Deception

This is a chilling look at the times that we find our nation in. Where have we been the last 40+ years - sleeping? If you want a wake-up call, this is the clip to see. Grab a pot of coffee, a pillow, maybe even some popcorn and make yourself comfortable...this is a long one - but I couldn't leave my computer. I watched it straight through. I would love to have your feedback on it. Let me know.

You can go to InfoWars and then scroll down on this page to view a preview.  Click on the video called: the Obama Deception.  You now have to order this on this site to view the whole DVD.  When I posted this it was available on YouTube but is now no longer free.*

*As of November 09, 2010 this link is again free.  Find it above at "the Obama Deception".

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