Wednesday, June 3, 2009

When Did We Cease To Be?

This is an interesting link that was shared with me I and felt it necessary to share with others. Congressman J. Randy Forbes of the 4th District of Virginia addressed congress (Judeo-Christian Nation) and he raises questions to us regarding President Obama's comments in the nation of Turkey on April 06, 2009. (the Obama Bow) Comments that Obama has a right to but he stated that the United States was NOT a Judea-Christian nation. (Obama in Turkey) Congressman Forbes continues with two questions: 1. Whether we ever considered ourselves a Judea-Christian nation? 2. If we did, what was that moment in time that we ceased to do so?

By quoting the first act of the First Congress of the United States he reminds us that they had a minister present in Congress who led in prayer and afterwards read four chapters from the Bible. He goes on to say that a few years later, when we unanimously declared our independence, that the signers of the Declaration of Independence made certain that people were given the rights established by our creator. He notes the Treaty of Paris, signed in 1783 (ending the Revolutionary War and birthing this nation) that the signers made clear their beliefs by beginning with the phrase: "In the name of the most Holy and undivided Trinity."

He quotes that when our Constitution was signed, the signers made sure that they punctuated the end of it by saying, "in the year of our LORD, 1787." And he goes on to reference that one hundred years later in the Supreme Court case of Holy Trinity Church vs. the United States, the Supreme Court indicated, after recounting the long history of faith in this country that we were even a "Christian Nation".

He notes President George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan all disagree with the Presidents comments and indicated that the bible and Judeo-Christan principals were so important in this nation. He noted that even Franklin Roosevelt led this nation in a six minute prayer before one of the greatest invasions in history, the Invasion of Normandy and he even asked for God's protection. He notes that Congress got together and the end of the war and questioned where are we going to put our trust? "In God We Trust" was their answer and even today those words on an on the wall where he delivered his speech.

I have heard many quote that on December15th, 1791; 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.' Or they quote a letter written by Thomas Jefferson, "...I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State."

What people are missing is they are misinterpreting these quotes. Jefferson and the Congress were insuring that WE the PEOPLE would never have a state church...IE, like the church of England. This is NO way was saying they were against religion or the freedom to have religion or even to have scripture in the government. Quite the contrary, read it, "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". They were simply establishing the fact that this nation would NOT be run by A church. There would be no national religion. What a sad day we live in as people continue to take God out of our government. He is the only help we have and without Him, we are nothing!

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