Sunday, June 14, 2009

Worshiping You - Deluge

Incredible song of worship appropriately titled, Worshiping You by Deluge Band. 

This song continually reminds me to keep the main thing the main thing.  It's all about Him. We have to tell our flesh that!

When life seems hard, confusing, full of pain, I HAVE to fix my eyes on Jesus and begin to Worship.  Worship transports me from the parched to Paradise.  I can leave mediocrity and enter into perfection.  As I find that secret place in Him, I am transformed, renewed, refreshed, revived.  Sometimes life is so full of issues and strife that we loose sight of our worship Him!  We were created to bring Him Glory.  We do that in worship!  We go to Him to worship and while we are there He splashes His glory all about us and we walk away changed.
I pray you are refreshed as you listen to this inspirational song.  Take time to just worship's great practice for the days to come in eternity!  That is what we will be doing, forever and ever and ever!  Worshipping Him!

However you choose to worship, right now choose to quite yourself, fix your eyes on your savior, stare into the face of your maker and just worship.  Come Lord Jesus we need your touch and we are not ashamed to be in your presence.  We love you!