Saturday, August 29, 2009
Amazing Grace - Wintley Phipps
Solo of Amazing Grace sung by Wintley Phipps at the Inaugural Prayer Service. He started singing the song by humming the first verse because that is what the Negro Spiritualists would do. They would begin a song by humming. His voice is INCREDIBLE. It billows. So round. So full. Simple beautiful. The only down-side of this performance was the occasion for which he was singing. I just simply could listen to him all day. Creamy voice in such low tones. Love it.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Amazing Grace - the Black Keys
Wintley Phipps is an incredible singer and featured soloist who shares some really inspirational information during this clip while doing a concert. The pentatonic scale is made up of only the black keys. The African slaves were known for singin in this scale chord progression. All of the black spirituals had this same melodic tone. Try it, go play the black keys on a piano and you will hear many old spirituals sung in that key. He goes on to share the orientation of the song, Amazing Grace. See the writer of the lyrics to the song Amazing Grace was John Newton and he was a slave ship captain before he came to Christ. He heard the melody to this most famous spiritual while taking peole captive as they sang in captivity in the bowels of the ship. Later in life, John Newton, penned the words to Amazing Grace to this African song he had heard years before. If you haven't seen the movie, Amazing Grace...I highly recommend it!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Fence Riders - Jimmy Needham
This a good song and I totally agree. Sometimes people just don't get it. They don't understand where I am at but Jimmy Needham got it right in Fence Riders. Good stuff.