Thursday, October 15, 2009

Does God Exist?

This was a TV ad for the Government of the Republic of Macedonia to promote education. It is surprising that a government published this as you would think it was created by a church or religious organization.

It has been stated that the events depicted in the video actually did not happen yet many argue it did. Either way, the questions raised are valid no matter who quoted them but credit is given to Albert Einstein.  Either way, the concept and message in the video are too powerful not to consider!

You will need to read the captions as this is filmed with the actors speaking in German and is quite moving.  I love the line that darkness is in reality the absence of light.  Jesus likens himself unto the light, the light of the world.  We become dark with the absence of His presence.  Just love this whole clip!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The More I Seek You - CFNI

Kari Jobe leads the song The More I Seek You at Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas.  This is a powerful worship song where you will find yourself raptured into the presence of the Lord.  If you are in need of a touch from the Prince of Peace, this is the song to whisk you off your feet into the presence of the King.

I know we are to give out of the overflow of our heart. We need our cups filled in order to give out.  We are to share what have.  This song will not only fill your cup, but it will overflow into your saucer.  Then you will be fully saturated in His presence, refreshed and renewed and ready to be a blessing as He has called us to be.