Saturday, December 5, 2009

the Manhattan Declaration

The Manhattan Declaration is a a call of Christian Conscience.  Recently Chuck Colson*, Dr. Robert George (a professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University) and Dr. Timothy George (a professor at Beeson Divinity School at Samford University) joined forces to create a declaration of their faith known as the Manhattan Declaration.

This document is signed by 150 leaders from the orthodox church, the Roman Catholic church (including many bishops, arch-bishops and a cardinal) and from leaders of the Evangelical world.  All of these signers are agreeing and saying they want to affirm 1) the sanctity of human life and 2) the sanctity of the family and 3) if the leaders of this nation continue to assault the family, life and our liberties we will render unto "Caesar what is Caesar's" but under NO circumstance will we render to "Caesar what is God's!" This is a time for true Christian's to stand up and defend what we believe.

For a great clip on the principals of this document you can hear Chuck Colson in his own words as he talks about it on the Mike Huckabee Show.  How prepared are you to pay the price for the cause of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?  Many are willing to give up their tax exempt status, some have put their careers in jeopardy and a pastor in Sweden gave up his freedom over these basic human principals.

*Who is Chuck Colson?
Founder of the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview, founder of Prison Fellowship and  former presidential aide to President Richard Nixon.  He was "incapable of humanitarian thought" according to the media in the 1970's until his conversion to Christianity in August of 1973 when the Boston Globe reported, "If Mr. Colson can repent of his sins, there just has to be hope for everybody."  In 1974 Colson entered a plea of guilty of obstruction of justice to Watergate-related charges.  Colson was not implicated in the Watergate burglary itself but he would do almost anything for the cause of his party and his president.

He served in Alabama's Maxwell Prison in 1974 and was the first member of the Nixon administration to go to prison for Watergate-related charges.  He served seven months of a one-to-three year sentence.

Colson is an author of over 20 books to date including: Born Again, Loving God, Being the Body and How Now Shall We Live?  Click on link for other articles on Chuck Colson