Monday, April 5, 2010

Million Dollar Bill

Recently in a federal district court, a judge ruled in favor of Darrel Rundus, founder and president of Great News Network, Inc who had filed suit stating that Federal Agents had violated the Fourth Amendment by conducting a warrantless search and seizure of his property.

See, back in June of 2006, Secret Service agents showed up at GNN's offices in Denton, Texas.  GNN had made a Million Dollar Bill and were distributing it as a witnessing tool which was produced by Ray Comfort and Living Waters.  On the bill was GNN's address so the Fed's knew where to find them.  Also on the bill were the phrases, "This bill in not legal tender" and  "Tho Shalt Not Steal".

Why, you ask, would the Fed's care about these bills? Because, they told a GNN employee, the bill (see image) they were circulating was in violation of federal law and they were there to seize all the bills.  The agents threatened arrest of the employee if he didn't hand over the Million Dollar Bills.  Seems some bank in North Carolina got the feds involved.  It is still unclear why the bank got involved as the Judge noted that no one tried to pass the bill as real money.

Rundus was not at the office at the time the agents showed up but spoke to the agents via telephone and he told them that they needed a search warrant or a court order before he would turn over the bills.  The agents said they didn't need those because the bills were contraband.

According to the U.S. Treasury, it is illegal to duplicate and make copies that are comparable to existing currency with the intent to commit fraud.  Rundus argued that since there is no REAL Million Dollar Bill it was not illegal for them to create one and distribute it.

What is ridiculous is that we are even having to waste court time on this matter.  Doesn't the Department of Homeland Security have anything better to do than this?  Seems ridiculous and borders on harassment of Christianity.

An estimated 8 million plus Million Dollar Bill Gospel Tracts have been sold by Living Water and have been handed out over the last 10 years.   GNN has distributed over one million of these.  May the gospel continue to be preached even when the law seems to target the bringers of Good News.

For more information on this story go to:  The Christian Post