Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Black Robes - David Barton and Glenn Beck

Once again David Barton delivers incredible information this time via the Glenn Beck show on the Black Regiment.  If you are not familiar with David Barton, you need to get familiar.  He has incredible documents proving the founding father's Christian roots and this video is simple FABULOUS if you ever have gotten into a discussion with people about the role of the church in our government history.

David addresses the difference between individual rights and collective rights or human rights.  Inalienable rights are what we are given by our founders.  These rights are not collective or human rights.  God give each person individual rights.  There is no collective salvation.  We all must answer to God one-on-one.  Human rights and/or collective rights are different than individual rights.

Our founding fathers had come from Europe which at the time was very much as a society into this collective rights thinking.  The founders left Europe and that way of thinking and said "No" to that as they established America.  They said for America it would be individuals rights that would be protected, in other words, each person would give an account to the society as each man does to God.  There is not collective rights or human rights in regard to man and his salvation.  Each man answers to God for his actions.  This is why the founders set up America to this model of inalieable rights.  In this country, our founders have always made provision for people to object for conscience as an individual.  A person can reject for religion or conscience because our founders set it up to be about the individuals.  It is all based on each individual.  Each person answers for themselves.  Listen to the video and you will be amazed.