Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Franklin Graham NOT allowed to Speak - National Day of Prayer

I read an article (Newsmax - Franklin Graham) today with a statement from Evangelical leader Rev. Franklin Graham regarding the Obama's administration's role in revoking his invitation to speak at the Pentagon's National Day of Prayer event. "(President Obama is) giving Islam a pass", was the quote from Graham. The comment that Graham made to disqualify him from speaking at the Prayer Event was made shortly after 9-11 when Graham said about the Islamic teaching that it is "a very evil and wicked religion". Everyone was speaking against these terrorists (after 9-11) and now Graham is being singled out as a person who is controversial.

We are loosing our Christian heritage right before our eyes.  Here we have the son of one of the greatest Evangelist of our time being denied the right to lead a prayer meeting.  Lord heal our land.  Our leaders use your name as a salutation in their speeches yet give very little regard to your ways as dictated in your Word.  Today, everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes.  No longer do the majority in our Government leadership use God's Word to define our direction...they use their understanding.  Their knowledge.  God help us.