Thursday, June 10, 2010

Obama Admits He is a Muslim

This is an interesting link on Obama, in his own words, about his beliefs, convictions, directions and faith.

There are several clips in this link and ALL of them are fascinating and informative.  Why do so many in this country NOT get it?

Well, because we have NOT done a good job in training our children in the ways of the Lord.  Over the last 40 years, many in the church in America have fallen asleep.  We have not continued in a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  Some have gone to church and many have decided they can find God on the golf course.  Some in church have played games and turned the house of God into a political organization.  They come to campaign and find supporters.  Some churches have just become a social gathering.  A place to hang out with others who are "like minded".  But what has failed to happen is the passing of the mantle.  Have we trained our children to hear God's voice?  Do we even know how to hear God's voice?  If we do, do we obey?  Everyone is so politically correct, re-writing their values as if God's word is a fill-in-the-blank questionnaire.  Just do what you want.  Make it palatable to you.

Well, we now have a commander and chief who is not afraid to share his religious beliefs.  The only problem is that a true Muslim HATES all that are NOT Muslim and according to their "holy" book have the right to kill all that don't agree.  Hmmm - "Houston, I think we have a problem here!"