Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fire on the Altar

This is a GREAT link called Fire on the Altar.  It has some incredible teachings available to listen to (click on the the line that says download).  A note needs to be inserted here that to listen to these links I had to download, Real Audio Player.  If you have it already, great.  If not, you need to get it.

There are HOURS of teachings posted to this site and the ones I have listened too are simply FABULOUS!  I started with the one entitled, "Listen to the Gospel That Saved Us" which is also in the list as Gatekeepers Track 5.

These are NOT your ordinary messages and some of them are classics to the Christian community.  I know you will find some that you just love.

I also want to bring to your attention the listings on the left at this site.  You can click on Message Bearers (it's the second one down on the left) and it will bring you to a page of classic teachings and teachers.  This may be a better way for if you are familiar with the names of different teachers.  If you scroll to the bottom of the list on this page, you will find a title called, STRONG MESSAGES.  Under that listing is a teaching by Bill Wise on 23 Minutes in Hell.  I strongly recommend this one!  You will have to download the message and then listen to this.  It will CHANGE your life!

These teachings are NOT for the mild milk drinkers in the crowd, these are MEAT teachings that will get all up in your face and all over your toes.  Be warned and prepare to be transformed!