Sunday, July 18, 2010

I Am Second - Nate Larkin

WOW! That is about all I can say regarding this video clip.  If you haven't heard of I Am Second it is a web-site filled with people you know and people you don't know who share their testimony and realize that they are too, second to Christ.  POWERFUL clips...I haven't seen one yet that hasn't moved me.

This one is entitled I Am Second Nate Larkin.   Who is Nate Larkin?  Well he was a pastor who was introduced to pornography on a seminary sponsored trip to New York City with his wife.  They were taken on a tour of Time Square so that they could see first hand how the women are exploited by the sex business.  He was shocked and disgusted by what he saw but strangely he was also fascinated and hooked.

He shares how he not only like porn but became obsessed with it.  It took him to places he never intended to go.  He eventually was led to his first of many prostitutes on his way to a Candlelight Christmas Eve Service that he was officiating.  He never got "caught" but he was terrified of loosing his reputations.  He left the ministry after about five years.  Those years were dark as he continually cried out to God for help.  He concluded by his unanswered prayers that either God didn't care or God didn't exist.

One of the most fascinating parts of his testimony was where he shared how pornography offered this artificial intimacy with no risks.  He explained how he believes we are all made for intimacy but intimacy carries it's risks.  People can reject us or dissappear or they can die.  With porn he never had to worry about that.  There were no risks invovled he concluded.

 "So everyday I said hello to the women who wouldn't laugh at me or who found me attractive, engaging.  Everyday I gave a piece of myself away.  It left me emptier and hungrier ever time and yet I kept coming back."

The link goes into how he found freedom.  He has now written a book entitled Samson and the Pirate Monks and he is now lives in Franklin, TN with his wife.  He has established a Nationwide organization called "The Samson Society" that is dedicated toward men being real and helping each other in a Christan Manner.

I post this because so many in the world today...even in the church today are living a life as Nate was, trapped in their sin and living a secret.  There is freedom and that freedom comes from a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

I pray for all the men and women out there that are bound by or effected with this hideous addiction.  I pray that you too will be able to accept the warmth and acceptance of Jesus' love as Nate did.  All of us are broken.  All of us are second.