Thursday, August 19, 2010

Christianity and Being Hip?

I have been running across many interesting articles about Christianity and reaching the "youth".  Many of these articles are full of statistics, information, propaganda...depends on the author of the article.  With that, I found this article entitled, The Perils of 'Wannabe Cool' Christianity interesting in the least and thought provoking as well.

The author, 27 year-old Brett McCracken published his article on The Wall Street Journal and he considers himself to be a Christian but he understands the concern that many of his peers are leaving and/or loosing interest in the Christian establishment.  Studies from 2007 from Lifeway Research determined that 70% of young Protestant adults between 18-22 stop attending church regularly when they leave home and are on their own.

The article goes into how the "church" is reacting to this and some of the ideas they have to "win" the twenty-somethings back.  To sum it up, I agree with Brett McCracken when he wrote, "that when it comes to church, we don't want cool as much as we want real."  Jesus is a relationship.  Not a religion or gimmick!  Be real and others will come to know how wonderful it is to be called a follower of Christ.