Sunday, September 12, 2010

Are You Discerning?

Should Christians..... (you fill in the blank)?

Very interesting video on a topic that many Christians don't want to address.  I really felt this is a topic needing more discussion and I thought the point made by this video is valid and quite frankly a testimony that I have personally seen many Christians choose.

As Christians, we represent Christ; weather we want to our not, people will do this.  It is what we do by our very nature.  Someone we personally know is highly influential over us; good or bad.  We take what they do and apply it to all people we hear about who are like them.

Let me give you an example:  Think of a person who is wealthy, maybe a celebrity, who is the daughter or son of their famous parent.  Whenever we see them fail or get into trouble, the tabloids are quick to say it is because they were spoiled.  They had too much.  They didn't learn to work or appreciate their blessings.  How about the person who is poor? We do the same thing.  They are this way or that because they are poor.  All people who are poor do this or that.  By our very nature we group people into generalities.  We want to simplify the difficult issues and questions that we see presented in society.

Well, this video also shows how we as Christians send the same mixed signals.  We are called to be Holy, Righteous, above reproach, set apart and yet we do behaviors that are not very Holy sometimes.  We associate with behaviors that are not very righteous and we justify our choices because we are "saved" and are "free" no longer bound to the "law".  This is true!  We are saved, free and no longer bound to the law.  The problem is when I (or you) do something that is NOT uplifting or edifying to the whole body of believers and we justify it because we "all sin".  Or this, "No one is perfect".  Again, true, but many are watching what we do and what we do represents the Lord, weather we like it or not or weather we believe that or not.

We want to believe that "we" are strong, independent, a leader, but it is in our nature to follow.  Ask yourself, how many times have you risked going against the flow to speak up for someone or something that was not politically correct in a public setting?  Do you sit their silently, as a believer, in a unbelieving office environment as other tear down your God, your beliefs, other Christians?  Most of us want to fit in, be liked, be accepted and most of us don't want to confront because WE may be ridiculed, isolated or shunned.

With that in mind, watch the video and think about how your choices effect others.  Do you really know who is watching and emulating YOUR life?  I asked the question once to a friend who felt the choice revealed in the video was simply that a choice and it had no reflection on them or Christianity.  Then I said, are you ok if your children follow in your choices on this topic?  They paused and said, "Well, that is really the ONLY reason I would say that I 'struggle' with on this topic.  I don't know how it will affect them and I would never want to hurt them."  Yet, they still choose to do the very thing that they admitted caused them concern.  Hmmm - that also is the very reason I have for chosen to act the way I do regarding this topic, because I don't want my children (or any believer) doing something that I do that could cause them harm.  It's not worth it to me.  And yes, I have now even taken this topic into further areas like exercise and eating habits too!  I confess when I DON'T live a life that is worthy of emulation.  I tell others my failures and I really try NOT to continue to do those things I shouldn't.  Some things just have too high of a pricetag to me!

See ultimately, a hypocrite is someone who wears a mask.  They say one thing and do another.  People who declare their failures are not hypocrits, they share that they struggle.  Well, if we are struggling with something and continue to do what we know we shouldn't, the Bible calls this sin.

On the flip side then, if we don't have a problem with something and we expose (or tell others) what we do, does that make it ok and therefore not sin?  We can do whatever we want because we confess?  See somewhere what we do and believe becomes an action that affects others and this is what we need to address.  Is what we doing edifying others or causing them to stumble?  I don't want ANYTHING I do to cause another to stumble, Lord Jesus, please show me if I am a stumbling block!  In ALL I do, I want to Honor YOU, Lord!