Sunday, September 5, 2010

Somebody's Praying - Ricky Skaggs

In these days of difficulty, it is SO important to remember that we are not alone.  The Lord has not left us nor has He forgotten us.  Take a minute to be built up in your most Holy faith as you listen to this old song, Somebody's Praying (live version) by Ricky Skaggs.

As you listen, really listen to the words.  I am SO thankful for Jesus who ever makes intercession for us!  We have not been left here to figure it out on our own.  I am also thankful for those people who took their time over the years to pray for me. We may never know how much the prayer's of a friend carried us. We may never know until that day.  Thank you Lord for those who stand in the gap and pray!  Thank you Father for your son who ALWAYS is faithful and is ever making intercession for us!

Somebody's Praying video by Ricky Skaggs

I also found this neat video song: Somebody's Praying Me Through.  Remember, we don't have to be alone!  I pray that you, the reader of this blog, have someone to pray you through.  If you don't, contact me...I would consider it a priviledge to carry you in prayer to My Heavenly Father in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and then watch you see how Big My God could be in your life!  He is there, just a prayer away.  Call on Him...He ALWAYS answers His children!