Thursday, September 16, 2010

Twilight a Movie or a Sermon?

So is Twilight a movie or a sermon?  Here is an interesting sermon by Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church.  I think this is really interesting that of all pastors to speak up on the Twilight series it is this guy.

You have to understand that in my neck-of-the-woods (no pun intended) there are many people I come across from many domination's who call themselves practicing Christians (and as far as I am concerned they are) but they are continually pounding the floor about doctrine yet these same people have no problem reading these vampire books or watching these movies.  I say this because just a month ago, I had this discussion again with a friend.   In fact, I know people who were among the few that sat out in the weather to wait for the midnight opening of the movie and yet they are "fine" Christian people.  These people of which I speak are mainly on the conservative side of Christianity, (many falling under the category of Christians called Calvinists) and some are even in doctrines that are very exclusive to the "definition" of Christianity.

Of all the churches that I hear that are too "extreme", "inclusive", "radical", "scriptural questionable" and certainly "not following sound doctrine", Mars Hill Church would make the list and yet this pastor is taking a hard line on his interpretation of these books and how they should not even be in the interface of a practicing Christian's life.  I just find it interesting that many who are very conservative have no issue with vampire books and many of them would fault this church because it is not teaching don't fall under what they call sound doctrine yet their doctrine has no issue with dealing or reading books or movies that radically deal with the topic of demons and devils?  They just think these books are a work of fiction and therefore is it just not real to them.  Things like this make me scratch my head and then I understand why the world has no understanding of Christianity.  We (the church of Christ) continually send dual messages that are quite frankly, confusing in the least and troubling in the end.

I for one, TOTALLY agree with this teaching and wish more Christians would listen and heed this teaching.