Friday, October 15, 2010

Heaven Is The Face - Steven Curtis Chapman

I have always enjoyed the music by Steven Curtis Chapman and this song falls right into the same category; Great!  Heaven is the Face (singing on Life Today with James and Betty Robison) is a song written regarding the tragic death of his daughter.

On May 21, 2008, Steven's son, Will Franklin (16 at the time) was coming home from school from an audition.  The three youngest children (all adopted from China) were playing in the backyard on the playground equipment.  Maria wanted to play on the monkey bars but the sisters were not tall enough/strong enough to reach her up.  They saw their brother driving up the driveway and they told Maria to go ask him to get her up on the monkey bars.  See they had a special relationship and so being so excited she ran out to meet him.  Because she was so small he didn't see her as he turned the corner and as a result she was struck by the car which caused her death.

You will definitely need a Kleenex as you watch the following links.  The rest of the story is laid out here.  So tragic yet so so incredibly real, the Chapmans are.  God bless the Chapmans and everyone who has had to bury their babies.

Steven Curtis Chapman on Mike Huckabee - February 15, 2009
Maria Sue Chapman Memorial Service - May26, 2008

Steven Curtis Chapman on Larry King - Part 1 September 13, 2008
Steven Curtis Chapman on Larry King - Part 2 September 13, 2008
Steven Curtis Chapman on Larry King - Part 3 September 13, 2008
Steven Curtis Chapman on Larry King - Part 4 September 13, 2008
Steven Curtis Chapman on Larry King - Part 5 September 13, 2008
Steven Curtis Chapman Cinderella Music Video and Story - April 2, 2008
In Loving Memory of Maria Sue Chapman (2003-2008)
"Cinderalla" - Tribute to Marie Sue Chapman (2003-2008)