Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Muslim Cries Out To Jesus

This is an INCREDIBLE testimony of what the LOVE OF GOD can do.  Kamal Saleem (not his birth name) was born to a large Sunni Muslim family in Lebanon.  At seven he was recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood and immediately entered a Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) terror training camp in Lebanon. He was involved in terror campaigns in Israel, Europe, Afghanistan and Africa and was part of making radical Islam converts in the US.  He was sent to the US Bible belt for a "new" type of jihad and he was effective.  He was seeking to destroy America, freedom and Christianity through intellectual jihad.  During this time in his life an accident occurred and then,well, his life changed.  Listen to his INCREDIBLE testimony.  Since his transformation, he has become an American citizen and has appeared on CNN, CBS News, FOX News programs and has spoken on terrorism and radical Islam at Stanford University the University of CA, the Air Force Academy and many other intuitions nationwide.

 There is NO God like Jehovah!