Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hallelujah - Heather Williams

This week has been a week full of spiritual warfare in my family.  I started the week in deep prayer and by Monday morning I was in deep spiritual combat as I was praying for a very large issue in my family's lives.  I felt God speaking and moving on this situation and then another issue arose.

Wednesday afternoon I was notified of a family member who went into labor.  A few hours later she delivered a baby boy who was stillborn.  These days with all our technology there was nothing they could do.  The mother had been to the doctor the day before and all reports were great.  Baby looked good, mother looked good - see you soon she was told as they awaited the arrival of their baby.  The very next day labor began an upon arriving at the hospital the doctors found no heartbeat.  Life had slipped from the lungs of the baby.  We prayed and believed for the miracle but this baby was born breathless.  They named the infant Isaiah meaning God is Salvation.

Then this song came across my path.  It is by Heather Williams and how she came about writing her song, Hallelujah - the story.  Her story was written after the loss of her son who died of a heart condition.  She knew she was empty and down but still she knew her strength came from the Lord.  She then penned the song, Hallelujah.  She comments that everyone has "there" moment in life that they have to "walk" through where they look for the Lord to sustain them in their "storm".  Truly and inspiring story and an even better song.