Thursday, March 17, 2011

Healer - Kari Jobe

Today I am writing this as my brother is in surgery for what doctors are calling a "serious" and a potentially life-threatening situation and I was reminded of this song.

Healer by Kari Jobe is a great song for me right now as I trust in Him.  There is little else I can do as I am in Texas and he is in Minnesota so I pray.  See, nothing is impossible for my God, nothing is impossible for Him!  I cling to Him, just as I instruct, admonish and encourage others to do.  We bring requests to the Lord, we travail, pray, intercede and then we stand.  We stand waiting for God to be God.  See, that is his job - to be the healer.  We wait on him and he is faithful.  He is God!  Oh, How I love Him so!  I trust in HIM!

On a side note, I can't hear this song without seeing my boys leading it in worship.  One son plays synth and the other the electric guitar.  Just love to watch them praise with their talent to the God that I adore.  Truly incredible how they serve whole-heartedly the God that I adore!  I pray you find yourself at a place where you can quiet yourself and still your mind from all the noise of this world and enter into worship of the King.  He is ALL you need!