Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rwanda - 1994

The year is 1994 and the place is Rwanda where for 100 days a massive genocide took place killing 850,000 people by their fellow Rwandans.  There have been many news reports about this event, even movies made of this tragedy but few will touch the core of the issue.  This was a religious slaughter.  Christians were the target and Muslims were the aggressors.  In our political correct world that would be too specific in the description - cause too much alarm.  Instead it was publicized as a "tribal" issue; two groups of people who had long been fighting.  Well, this was partly true but was more than was spiritual as well.

This is an incredible testimony about the extent of God's love for us and how we must choose to walk in that same depth of love.  What am I saying?  We have to be able to extend forgiveness to others if we ourselves want to be forgiven.  The scripture is clear that with the measure "we" use, it (what we give) will be measured back to us. If we give kindness we will receive at least that much kindness in return.  Give love, get love.  Extend forgiveness, receive forgiveness.  It is the very nature of who God is.  Jesus came to die.  He came to give.  He came to make a way and God expects us to be like Jesus (remember the term Christian means to be like Christ).  God gives us forgiveness and we need to CHOOSE to give it to others - whether or not we think they deserve it.  The question is not about deserving - it's about obeying.  How many of your sins do you want forgiven?  For me - I want ALL my sins forgiven so therefore I have to forgive ALL that is done against me.  Remember Jesus said this in the prayer we call the Our Father. "Forgive us our trespass AS we forgive those who trespass against us."  This is a conditional statement.  God expects us to DO his Word and live it out.  Just just hear it.

Lord Jesus, help me to be a doer of your Word and not just a hearer only.  Give me the strength to forgive - even those who I don't think deserve it.  Change my heart oh God.  Make it more like you!