Monday, April 25, 2011

the Crucifixion - A Medical Perspective

A medical perspective of the crucifixion by David Acuna a Trauma Surgeon is very moving and full of details that I think many people have never considered and quite frankly could never know unless they were an expert on the human body or medical information.

To hear this account you can't help but think how much our Savior loves you and me.  He willingly went to the cross for us.  Oh what a great love He has for us and still has for us.  He wishes that NONE would perish but have everlasting life but the kicker to the whole deal is NOT in God's hands but in our own.  We have to CHOOSE Him.  Everything we need for life and Godliness has been provided and given to us yet many CHOOSE not to believe.  Oh Lord, open the eyes of our heart so we can SEE Jesus!