Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Take Me Up In The Spirit - Misty Edwards

Haven't been blogging lately and it is not because there is shortage of things to share but just not enough time to share it all.

I have some of Misty Edwards older stuff and I LOVE her musical lyrics and this song again has a theme that I love..."there is something bigger going on and we need Him to take us up in the Spirit".  This song just ministered to me because something bigger IS going can feel it in the air.  These are incredible days that we live in and we need to "take our place around the throne".

Her style is not probably something that you are used to but if you just listen you can see how this was just an ad-lib session and the Holy Spirit was directing the musicians and the music.  "There's something bigger going on, there's someone whose bigger than me; something bigger going on.  Fill me with the knowledge of God, with the knowledge of you.  Holy.  Holy."
