Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Abortion and the Numbers

These numbers are just painful in the least and just plain sad to reflect upon.  I don't think people are aware of just how many lives have been snuffed out by abortion and what exactly it looks likes.  I am not here to cast any judgement on any woman who has opted to do this as I have ministered to many of them over the years but the numbers are staggering and this is just simply a practice we need to stop in this nation.  How can God NOT deal with a nation who kills so many innocent lives.  God helps us!

The chart shows US abortions compared to US deaths due to wars.  Each "person" represents 10,000 people (or fraction) killed.

Revolutionary War = 4,435 deaths (or 1/2 a "person")
Civil War (both sides) = 498,332 deaths (or  50 "people")
World War I = 116,708 deaths (or 12 "people")
World War II = 407,316 deaths (or 41 "people")
Korea = 25,604 deaths (or 3 "people")
Vietnam = 58,168 deaths (or 6 "people")
Gulf War = 378 deaths
Iraq War = 4,367 deaths as of Dec. 2009 (or 1/2 a "person")
Abortion = 35,000,000 (or 3500 "people") at the time this document was created.

There are estimated to be 3,000 abortions done daily in America!  If you multiply 3,000 x the number of years abortion has been legal in the US (1973 to date) which is 38 x 365 (the days in a year) = 41,600,000.  The Alan Gutmacher Institute, a leading proponent of abortion on demand claims that there have been more than 50 million abortions in the US since Roe Vs. Wade.  STAGGERING numbers!