Thursday, May 12, 2011

Today is the Day- Lincoln Brewster

Today Is the Day by Lincoln Brewster should get you up and on your feet because we don't need to worry about tomorrow!  This is a choice, ya know?  You make yourself believe what you want to believe and I choose to believe that God is true and every man is a liar!  I choose to believe that God will do what He has said He will do and that He is faithful and true.

See, the more you believe the Word, the more God reveals Himself to you.  It's like He is waiting to see if you really want all that He has for your life.  He wants to know if you are willing to place Him in the Highest place.  Weather you do or you don't, really doesn't matter because He IS seated at the Highest place and ALL rule, power and authority is under Him and one day every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL confess that Jesus Christ IS Lord!  So with that, I rejoice because Today IS the Day!