Sunday, June 5, 2011

Connecting with the Right People - Joel Osteen

I know, I know - you probably have already made a judgement about this message because I told you up front who the speaker was.  Well, loose that judgement because people are speaking against him without really knowing the whole picture.  I was able to meet him back in December and the time I was able to observe him I had a totally clear image of who Joel Osteen is.  He is a genuine person who really is as happy and real as you see on television.  He is not forced or phony but REAL!  His wife was totally real too.  It is wrong how people have judged them by what they think or others think.  I truly enjoyed meeting them and they were gracious and a blessing.

With that, I pray you take a minute to listen to this will change your life!  Connecting with the Right People is such a powerful message!  I again was personally challenged and set free from this message.  There are things in our life that we can't change and there are things in our life we can.  Sometimes we just get so comfortable we don't realize that we are stuck and we need to change something!  There is a difference between those who are for you and those that are just with you.  Did you hear that?  There may be people in your life that you think are for you but they are just WITH you.  There is a huge difference between these two places of reality.

This is such a timely message because many of us are too comfortable in our current situation because we are afraid to change, or we don't want to hurt someone, offend someone, let someone down..yada yada.  The Lord is clearly pressing in my Spirit that this year is forcing me to listen carefully to the Lord, not man!  In Revelation it is written over and over that we have to have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.  I know so many people that have gotten comfortable with someone else giving them their spiritual food.  Growing up in the Catholic church this was a state of being for many that I knew.  We came to "church" out of duty or because we were told we had to.  We were taught what a man thought was true and yes there was scripture sprinkled into the message to make it official.

God is a CREATIVE God.  He is so limitless and I believe many people are not fulfilling their destiny's because they are feeding the machine of what others are doing and forsaking the gifts inside them.  We have to be about what God is telling us to do and I know He is speaking to me.  Incredible message!