Friday, July 22, 2011


This is taken from Dutch Sheets and entitled "Reformer's Creed". 

"You are a reforming generation.

You are here because God has marked you.

You are here because you want to be a difference maker.

There is something in your DNA that can't accept status quo, business as usual, things as they are.

You will never fit into the box marked "NORMAL".

Deep in your heart you know you are called to change things, to rock the boat.

You love God... but hate religion.

When you taste Him, it only makes you hungry for more; you have God cravings.

You refuse to let the world around you shape or define you.

When you dream.. it's about the impossible.

When you see pain.. you know you are called to heal it.

When you see adversity.. you don't fear it because you measure it against your God.

You are dangerous to evil, to Satan, because your life is not your own (to live is Christ, to die is gain).

You wonder why you are so strange... so different.

When others want to party... you want to pray.

When others laugh... you weep.

When others dance... you mourn.

You will never fit in the typical societal niche, because you are a reformer.

You don't live for fame. You would never lower your goal to be rich and famous.

You are an Abraham, a Joshua, an Esther, a David, a Wilberforce, a Lincoln, a Lou Engle.

Bullets don't scare you... mediocrity scares you.

Indifference scares you.

Losing your life doesn't scare you... wasting it does!

You have already died so you are free."

"You can't be a reformer if you're afraid to be different. If you're afraid to rock the boat, you can't be a reformer. You can't MAKE a difference if you're afraid to BE different!" - Dutch