Thursday, October 13, 2011

Christopher Coleman

This is an incredibly inspirational story of the life of Christopher Coleman.  Sometimes we think we just don't matter or that we have no purpose and then you hear a guy like Christopher share his testimony and you have to say, "Forgive me, Lord."

EVERYONE has value and EVERYONE has a purpose.  It is SO easy in this society where we "judge" the value of someones life but what WE think is important to take a minute and back up to see that God feels ALL life is of value and important...even the things we don't understand.  See God can use any situation and any circumstance to bring Himself Honor and Glory because He is God and we are not!  We should never decide whose life has meaning or matters - ALL life matters and has worth.  Thank you Lord for the courage that you have given to Christopher to live and to live the overcoming life.

Prepare to be inspired!