Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I know some people have been offended by this video called Parody of our Modern Church Service, but I am really not sure why.  There is a LOT of truth in this video in that we are turning the Sunday Morning gathering into more of a concert event than a holy time with the Lord.

Don't get me wrong, I think you can have some of these elements in your church service without it becoming a "production" but there is a fine line.  Some churches are crossing the line into secularism, in my opinion, and they would say that because I hold this opinion, I must be "religious".  But here is my issue, when we have worked the Holy Spirit out of our services than we are in trouble as a people.  When the "script" is so tight that even the Holy Spirit has to "ask for permission" we are in danger.  I don't care what your service looks like, traditional, contemporary, relevant; if the Holy Spirit is not the center of the agenda, you will be out of step with the Lord.

Take a minute and try to be open when you watch this.  There is some truth in here, it just may be painful for those that it confronts.