Thursday, October 27, 2011

Endless Hallelujah - Matt Redman

I needed to take a break from my computer work today and have a moment to just sit with my King.  I have spent the morning writing and organizing and doing stuff but needed a minute to dance with my Lord!  Yes dance!  I had the song cued up by Matt Redman - Endless Hallelujah, perfect!

Have you seen Courageous (the movie)?  In the movie there is a scene where the dad doesn't want to take a minute to dance with his little girl as they are in a public place.  Later that comes back to him and makes a POWERFUL impact on him.  That concept has sat deep in my spirit.  Do we take the time for the small, simple, special things?

Well, I am taking the time to worship.  Yep, just a few minutes to find that quite place in the Lord and just WORSHIP!  See, there is a day coming when we all will see Him face-to-face and all we will do is WORSHIP!  WOW!  What a glorious day that will be!  I am preparing in the midst of my "things to do" and taking a break from it all to run into the arms of my daddy to dance.

Can I encourage you to do the same thing?  If you are at work, put in some headphones and walk to the bathroom, the conference room, the "smokers" spot outside or wherever you can "get away" and take a minute to just worship Him.  It is SO worth the minutes you give Him!  Blessings!

Here are they lyrics to Endless Hallelujah by Matt Redman:

"Endless Hallelujah"

When I stand before Your throne
Dressed in glory not my own
What a joy I'll sing of on that day
No more tears or broken dreams
Forgotten is the minor key
Everything as it was meant to be

And we will worship, worship
Forever in Your presence we will sing
We will worship, worship You
And endless hallelujah to the King

I will see You as You are
Love You with unsinning heart
And see how much You paid to bring me home
Not till then, Lord, shall I know
Not till then, how much I owe
Everything I am before Your throne

And we will worship, worship
Forever in Your presence we will sing
We will worship, worship You
And endless hallelujah to the King

No more tears, no more shame
No more sin and sorrow ever known again
No more fears, no more pain
We will see You face to face
See You face to face

[Chorus x2]
And we will worship, worship
Forever in Your presence we will sing
We will worship, worship You
And endless hallelujah to the King

And endless hallelujah to the King
We'll sing
And endless hallelujah to the King