Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Take What You Need

We have all seen these tear offs at public bulletin boards where you tear off a number to call someone regarding their car they have for sale, or the puppies they are trying to place in a home but have you ever seen it where they are just GIVING encouragement and hope?  WOW - INCREDIBLE idea!

This began on a college campus up north (not telling which one as that is part of the greatness of this whole thing - it is done anonymously.)  These college kids took a bible verse and found the theme of the verse of they took the adjectives from the verse and make these tear-aways.  If you notice, some have more than one tab!  Then they put them up all around the campus and even around the city.  You know, like places they shopped, where they got coffee, in restrooms and so on and they are taking off!  I mean literally, people are tearing off the flags!  What a blessing to minister to strangers who are in need of a "word" of encouragement!  Like, how many people today NEED a word of encouragement!

What a great idea!  You can create one too and post it at your work, in the gas station, where you do your laundry, wherever you can find a bulletin board and people!

One of the guys who posted it came back to find his "tags" were all torn away!  AWESOME!

LOVE this inspiring, practical idea to minister HOPE to a lost and dying world.  I encourage you to take a minute with a blank sheet of paper and make your own.  Then trot on down to your nearest watering hole and pin it up.  Only God knows the lives you will touch but what an easy way to be "light" in the dark world!  AMEN!