Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hold On to Your Hope - Robby Mounce

So back September 23rd my sons team was playing Mineral Wells Community Christian School in a six-man football game when the game abruptly ended because a player was hurt on the field.

Eventually Robby Mounce (#11 in purple) was air-lifted from the field and taken to a Ft. Worth Hospital.  We have been following his recovery since then.  We have met his family, his team-mates, friends and youth pastor and have watched this incredible journey as God has been so faithful to minister to this family!

Here was one of the first news reports we heard about Robby on Fox 4 news.

On the 18th of November, Robby went to a new home that someone has given their family for six months (rent free) as their old home was a mobile home and Robby would not be able to navigate it very well.  He was home for Thanksgiving and continues to improve.  This was the most recent news story about Robby.

If you google Robby's name you come up with many other stories about him, but one of my favorite was these two girls who wrote a song about him, Hold On to Your Hope.

Robby is a miracle in the making.  Incredible story and so blessed to see how God has been completing the work in Robby!  Our God is good and ALL that he does is good!