Tuesday, November 22, 2011


If you haven't heard about the books from the Twilight Series you must live under a rock.  The advertisements are everywhere, from billboards to posters and even commercials on television.  This book series is targeted to teens and pre-teens and seems to be the most popular among girls.  They have made movies too of the series and they have used attractive people as the main characters to draw even more teen girls in.

So why a blog about it?  Well, it's because of the context of the series...it is about vampires.  I find it hard to believe in my adult years I am seeing the younger generation drawn to such an evil subject with such enthusiasm.  I see a resurgence of this affinity toward spiritually in the dark places.  These young girls today sit in theaters for hours, camping out for tickets to be the first to see the midnight showing of their newest release.  It is heartbreaking that even many young Christian kids are part of the audience for such a dark subject matter.  It troubles me and I just don't understand kids fascination and parents lack of discernment to intersect this spiritual wickedness in their homes.

Here is a great teaching done by Mark Driscoll on the topic.  He is funny and direct and hopefully effective in educating you and your family on why these type of books are poison for your families spirits and souls. This is no series a Christian has any business participating in..yet sadly they are.