Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tim Tebow and His Faith...

Tim Tebow
So this past Sunday, the rookie quarterback, Tim Tebow led the Denver Broncos to their seventh win.  Big deal, right?  Well, there is a bit more to this story.  He is now 7-1 with six in a row.  Ok so, so this still hardly makes him news worthy...hmmm.  So another tid-bit to be noted is that some of these wins he has pulled out in the last minutes of the game while down by 10 or more points.  Last Sunday, for example playing the Chicago Bears, he was down by 10 points with 2 minutes to go; pulling out another win.  Final score 10-13 in which the Broncos win by a field-goal.  Second only to Eli Manning, he has more 4th quarter comebacks than any other quarterback this season.

So all of this still hardly makes him a topic for me to blog about...well, that is the part of the story I love the best.  The history on Tim goes back to his conception.  His parents share the testimony (part One) of Tim's life and the testimony (part Two).  There was even a Focus on the Family ad that ran during the 2011 Super Bowl that caused a lot of uproar because it was a pro-life message as Tim's mother Pam share their story for life.  Tim's parent were told that their "baby" was just a blob, not even a fetas and even one doctor called the"blob", affectionally known now as Tim Tebow, a tumor. MIRACULOUS story!

Be encouraged in your faith!  Our God is Big and STRONG and MIGHTY.  What a powerful testimony as they walked through their tests.  There were days of doubt and struggle I am sure, but they persevered and the world is a better place for it!

On a side note, according to the Global Language Monitor, “tebowing” is now a part of the English language.  The website’s definition says that “tebowing” is “to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different.” Pretty cool!  I think I will have NO problem encouraging my sons to follow the role-modeling of Tim Tebow!  What a man with an awesome love of his God!

So here is what the world has to say about this incredibly athlete and Bob Costas has a clip regarding it.  The world just don't know quite what to think of him!

To God be the Glory!

P.S. added on January 17, 2012....Well, the Broncos are out of the Super Bowl race but I had to follow up with one more incredible tribute to Tim Tebow.  Every week, Tebow picks out someone who is suffering, or who is dying, or who is injured that he is made aware of.  He flies them and their families to the Broncos game, rents them a car, puts them up in a nice hotel, buys them dinner (usually at a Dave and Buster's) get them and their families pre game passes, visits with them just before kickoff, gets them 30-yard line tickets down low, visits with them after the game (sometimes for an hour), has them walk with him to his car and sends them off with a basket full of gifts.  How can anyone not like this guy?  We need more Tim Tebows in the world!

By the way, he does this at home and on the road, win or loose, every game!