Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 New Year's Prayer & Blessing

A friend of mine shared this with me and I wanted to share it with you...

Father I would like to pray this New Year’s blessing for Your people. Lord, I lift each one of them up to You right now by name. Lord, I thank You that You know their names; You know every hair on their head; You know their heart’s desires. Father, You know the areas in their lives that need to be healed. Areas that are known and unknown, that even they don’t know, I ask the Holy Spirit that this will be the year, Father, of restoring broken hearts, broken dreams, broken ministries. 

Father I ask that this will be the year of Spiritual ambition for Your people, they will have the fresh flame of fire for Your Word. Lord I thank You for Your word that says, “Your Word is a lamp unto our feet.” I would ask that You, Father, would release a Spirit of Enlightenment over the hearts, the minds, the souls, the Spirits, and the bodies for healing over Your people. Wherever the enemy is in darkness and trying to trap them or rob them, I ask that the Holy Spirit will turn the light on to where blessings will come upon them and overtake them. Lord I thank You that Your word says, “We are blessed going in and blessed going out.” Father I ask that if any blessing was left in the year 2011 that it would come into double portion into 2012.

Lord I release supernatural blessings, supernatural provisions, supernatural wisdom, supernatural understanding with discernment over Your people. Father, those that are seeking Your way, I ask that You would just begin to open the doors that need to be open and You will close the doors that absolutely need to be kept closed to keep them in Your highest and most perfect will.

Father I would release a new anointing over Your people. As You do pour out the oneness in a two-fold over Your people, that this oneness will be the oneness of Your love, and the oneness of Your favor. Father, I thank You for hearts that are being healed, for minds that are receiving peace, for bodies that are receiving healings with direction.

I thank You that You have said in Your word, “The steps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord.” I claim this promise over Your people right now. I establish it, their feet are receiving the orders for 2012, and Your name absolutely and totally alone will be lifted up and glorified. Father, I seal and clothe this with the blood of Jesus. Lord, place on them the robe of righteousness in Christ Jesus where they will come to an understanding this year of their right standing in Heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Lord, I thank You for a depth of new understanding and the ability of how deep You love us. Now gather us all fresh into Your arms for healing, and for fulfilling destinies with purpose.

I establish this by the Spirit of the Lord’s direction in Jesus’ precious, powerful name. Amen.