Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Balance Beam - Francis Chan

If you have ever heard Francis Chan then you KNOW what a great teacher he is.  This is really another one of his finest!

This message is from 2006 and is called, Balance Beam.  Chan goes into some personal information at the beginning of this link and I wanted to be sure you caught it all so I have posted some of it below.

Many of you reading this may think, "Yeah but you just don't know what I have gone through in my life."  True, I don't.

Others may be saying, "Well my life has been harder than yours.  If you had walked through what I have walked through then you would understand where I am at."  Well, maybe; maybe not but as you listen to Chan's testimony you may be rethinking what the definition of "hard" is!

Still there are those of you out there that just feel that life has been fair to you and you just think you should quit, or you feel like stopping and holding on to what you have.  Be safe.  Don't risk.  Hmmm - well, maybe a bit of background on Chan would be in order here.

When he was born, his mother died in childbirth.  His father remarried and at the age of nine his step-mother died in a car accident.  His father married again and at the age of twelve his dad died of cancer.  By the time he was in junior high his mother was dead, his dad was dead and his step-mother was, dead.  The only family he had left was his uncle George and his wife, aunt Sandra.  At sixteen, his uncle and aunt got into a fight and Sandra died at the hand of his uncle George.  After killing her, he then turned the gun on himself taking his own life.

So, you think that your life is falling apart?  Chan could relate.  Are you thinking you have problems?  Again, I think you could agree that Chan was there too.  You may be facing life on a balance beam too, just as Chan was....and this is where the story will bring to up to.  Take a minute and hear his teaching and hopefully you will be challenged to LIVE the life that God has for you!

We don't know why all the things in life happen the way they do, but we do know that YOU are alive.  You have a purpose.  Put your hand on your heart right now.  Do it.  Did you put your hand on your heart?  Feel that?  That is not just your heart beating in your chest; it's called purpose.  God has a plan and a purpose for your life, you can feel it inside - can't you?

Let's go and set out to finish this race set before us.  There is a prize for those that finish strong.  ENJOY!