Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fearless @ Passion 2012 - Louie Giglio

My son and many people I know were at this event, live to hear Louie Giglio teach this.

Every time I hear him, I am amazed by his teaching and inspired by his message.  I am amazed that upon the time I listened to this only 12 people had clicked on this link; just 12.  REALLY?  I pray you take the time to listen to this message, it will inspire you and bless you.

You will never be disappointed in a message by Giglio.  He will change your life.  If you have teens or twenty-somethings that need a NOW word, this is a good one.  Blessings!

"Brokenness is the bow from which God launches the arrows of healing. From the bow of brokenness God launches the arrows of healing!" - Louis Giglio