Monday, January 9, 2012

You Are For Me - Kari Jobe

Kari Jobe grew up in my backyard and she attended many churches in the area, here in the Ft. Worth area and she is so what you see.  She wrote this here in Texas, in a chapel where she waits on the Lord.  What an incredible person who is not full of herself or full of hypocrisy.  So refreshing to have someone serving the Lord who is transparent and real.  Her parents grew her up in the ministry and she is truly a gift.  I pray you allow yourself to be blessed.

Take a minute to sit at the feet of Jesus and let Him FILL YOU UP!  This song is so precious because sometimes we forget that He is SO for us.  With the cares of the world pressing in on us, sometimes we just need to be still and let HIM remind us of who He is.  He is SO for us.  Do you know that?  He doesn't forsake us!  He never leaves us.  He is so faithful.

Be reminded today that He loves you and has not forgotten you.  Let him show you again how faithful He is!  You Are For Me is incredible.  Be blessed.