Friday, August 3, 2012

A Mother's Joy...

Today I enjoyed a surprise lunch for a special friend with many of her friends; all arranged by her husband.  One of the coolest things that happened was when we all shared blessings over the birthday girl while her  80+ year-old mother listened.  It was such a joy to see these friends speak goodness and kindness over this dear sister while her mother got to hear every word.

As a mother, wouldn't that make your heart skip to hear people publicly esteeming YOUR child in your presence?  It was precious!  The mother finally closed out this time of sharing with a brief comment.  Her only words (while choking back tears of her own) were like a final cherry on top of a delicious dessert.  She simply said, "I adore her!"

Geeze, not a dry eye in the place after that statement as we all swallowed hard and brushed the tears from our cheeks.

This reminds me of 3 John 4 which says: "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are serving the King."  I saw this verse manifest today as a mother listened to the blessings about her daughter by her friends.  What a rich mother she is and what a fabulous friend.

I will not be able to be the daughter in this scenario as my own mother has passed forward to Glory, but I so desire to be this mother!  O to hear others testifying of the treasure my child(ren) have been.  What a GREAT Joy that would be!

Be strengthened my friends and train your children well!

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