Friday, October 5, 2012

Rivers of Blood?

Yangtze River in China
Psalms 78:44

44 And turned their rivers to blood,
And their streams, they could not drink. - NASB

Revelation 16:4
Then the third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and the springs of waters; and they became blood. - NASB

So, we all know that Pharaoh (in Egypt) was given the ultimatum to "let my people go" or face the consequences and we all know he "faced those consequences" which were incredibly difficult in the least.  One of the "warnings" was Moses turned the water to "blood" and the people could not drink and had no water!  Not a fabulous scenario if you want to live in a dessert!  Water is a MUST everywhere but in a dessert - WOW!

Lake Camargue
Well, our rivers today are not turning to blood BUT they are turning blood RED! On September 9th, this year, the Yangtze River in China suddenly turned red!  Experts are saying it is caused by a salt-loving algae called Dunaliella Salina which produces a red pigment that absorbs and uses sunlight.  Hmmm - OK, that is the scientific reason but why NOW?  Why today?  Have you heard of this at all in recent years?  Um, well, I haven't in my lifetime.  Interesting in itself, but wait...
Lake Retba

then there is Lake in the Camargue of southern France on August 13th of this year and Lake Retba in Senegal, an African Lake that on July 10th, also of this year, you guessed it, turned reddish as well but it is reported that these lakes have an issue with salt and so that is the culprit.

All I know is that the earth is crying out of the return of Christ.  Everywhere you turn you hear of weird, new, interesting bits of information.  What you ask?  Like a tornado warning in Washington DC last month - really?  And the Dallas/Ft. Worth is having earthquakes!  Really?  There is flooding in Galveston and droughts in Colorado and the mid-west.  The earth is having "birth-pains".  Isaiah 26.  Maranatha!

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