Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

I experienced a miracle today and have been rejoicing over the goodness of the Lord on my life all day. I was driving at 8:15AM this morning, to pick up my son from basketball practice, when on a back country road on oncoming car was IN my lane heading into a tight turn. I held down the horn as he quickly was approaching impact. I prayed and called on my God to protect me. I went as far to the right as I could without falling down the hill when he suddenly heard my horn sounding, looking up he saw me and while swerving away he turned quickly back into his lane, preventing our impact. God is SO faithful! Thank you angles of God for watching over me. I spent the next few minutes celebrating the miracle I just experienced and how quickly it all unfolded and how quickly the Lord rescued me.

What I didn't share on facebook were some details about the event that I would like to share here.  First was that my horn has been "broken" and really hasn't worked.  If it wouldn't have "sounded" today, this guy would have hit me! He would have impacted my car right into my side, HITTING ME, literally! My door would have taken the impact of his large SUV and I was sitting right behind it. I was traveling 30 MPH and he was doing at least 40 so that was a greatly increased combined speed. That full blow would have been tremendous BUT the Lord intervened and spared me GREAT pain and distress, if not my very life!

I then went on to pick up my son, came home and proceeded with my day.   I had an appointment for my hair (yes, I know...vanity) but this appointment I made back in August so this day truly was "picked" out by the Lord. (For-the-record,  I am only vain 4 days of the year...LOL.)  After spending a "fair" amount of time (about 4 hours) at the salon, God opened MANY doors.   It began with just hearing my stylist share her heart.
If you have ever been to the salon, you would know that conversation is a must and if you don't talk, your stylist will.  It is almost like going to a therapist.  People have quite the intimate conversations with their stylist.  Anyway, the salon owner was also on the floor and all the stylists would talk among themselves, asking questions, sharing tidbits of information and even teasing or joking with one another.  What was interesting today was that several of the stylists commented (under their breath) that the owner was not in the best of moods these past couple of days and each of them wondered what was going on in his life to bring such tension to the floor.
I knew just a bit about him, as he too was a Christian, even an elder in his church and he was quite open and direct in his discussions with all of us in the room.  The Lord began to give me "comments" and "questions" to ask him.  After about three of these statements by me to him, and the room, he looked at me and said, "Is this my own personal prophecy day today?"
I said, "yes!"
He looked backed, smiled and walked on and then I said another statement which stopped him in his tracks as he looked back at me and the other stylists watched and "ooowed".  It was all light-hearted but Holy Spirit was pricking his heart.
Finally he confessed that he was a "Scrooge" and that he hated Christmas because of what the world had turned it into, not, of course, because of the birth of Jesus.  I exploded with a HUGE smile and said questioning, "You hate this time of year?  Why?  This is the most WONDERFUL time of the year and the easiest time to witness as EVERYONE loves Christmas!  People are 'ripe' to hear the GOOD NEWS as they NEED Jesus and are looking for REAL joy!"

I reminded him of the fact that it is "GOOD NEWS" and we are the bringers of this news!  What a WONDERFUL opportunity the Lord has given us!

He looked at me puzzled as he stopped and then he went on.  I KNEW I would be praying over him before I left the salon this day.

Meanwhile, back to my stylist.  We had been in-and-out of our conversation that centered around her life growing-up and her experiences with meeting the Lord and churches and the total dysfunction of her personal home-life.  She was questioning the baptism in the Holy Spirit as she saw others have this gift at a couple of the churches she attended in her youth but she personally felt she never received the gift and wondered why.  Over the course of the next two hours, Holy Spirit began laying the roadwork for her to indeed receive and operate in that gift.  While paying, I prayed for her and she indeed received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and she also spoke in tongues!  It was beautiful.  She cried, I cried and the Holy Spirit fell!  AWESOME GOD!
Back to the owner; while I was still getting my hair cut and dried, I was able to pray for him.  He too was broken before the Lord and began to brush tears from his cheeks.  God was SO evident and moving in this salon.  What prompted the prayer for him was he re-entered the common area and my stylist questioned his changing of the music.  (I hadn't even noticed but she had.)  She said, "Is that Christmas music playing?" He said yes.  Laughter and excitement erupted as apparently the "old" Scrooge was not allowing Christmas music in the salon before this.  He came over toward my stylist to have this conversation about the music and I KNEW this was when we would pray and we did!
I left the salon rejoicing in ALL that God had done for these two people as they were BOTH impacted directly by the power of God, personally in their lives and they both were believers.  We need to be looking for opportunity to POUR into ALL that we meet in these great days we living in. It was such an amazing experience for me to see God move so greatly for each of them. I got in my car and just sat there praising God for what had just happened, totally forgetting the road event earlier in the day.

I went on to the dairy store to pick up some milk and the cashier hurried toward the counter as she saw me nearing the check out isle. She rang the items up, I paid and then I said, personally to her, that I wished for her day to be full of blessings. She responded and said, "I sure need that. I will always take blessings."

She rounded the counter to go back to stocking and had to pass by me.  I then reached out my hand and said to her, "Can I pray for you?" She said yes and handed me her "gloved" hands as she had been stocking the ice cream. I prayed over her for a few brief moments and she graciously thanked me saying how much she needed that.

I was again, REJOICING in the opportunities that God had allotted me this very special day and as I entered my car, I realized the assignment that had been sent against me, back on that curve this early AM. I began to thank God for the fruit of this day and the blessings of my very life. How things could have been SO different.

I post this as WE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. The first person I ministered to today was the owner of the salon, a Christian, who called Himself "Scrooge" as he just didn't "like" the holidays. Remember that this is the most WONDERFUL time of the year to share the "GOOD NEWS" because EVERYONE loves Christmas! It doesn't get any easier that sharing the Love of the Lord during this time of year. Even tho the media is making a "big deal" about Christmas, the average person still LOVES this time of year or at least they want to love it.  I can be a most difficult time for some and so again, a perfect opportunity to pray for someone!  People are SO open!  I pray that YOU will share the GOOD NEWS! Give yourself EXTRA time when you are shopping, eating, or going to the salon because YOU BRING the GOOD NEWS wherever YOU go.

We should be excited for the days that we live in. THESE ARE THE DAYS THAT THE PROPHETS HAVE LONGED FOR and YOU and ME have been CHOSEN to LIVE HERE, NOW , for SUCH A TIME AS THIS!

I love you dear brothers and sisters in Christ and I pray ALL is WELL with you and your SOUL this very joyous time of the year! I am REJOICING as this day, could have easily been my last on this planet, instead, God brought the Kingdom to three dear people where they needed Him most. WOW - we get to partake in this and get heaven too! Hallelujah!

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