Thursday, January 3, 2013

He Loves Us

Wow - He LOVES us!  Do you know this?  He LOVES us!  Do you know it personally?  Do you?

I can hear you saying, "Sure, sure, but you don't know what I'm going thru.  He may love you and that's great but you don't have my life."

Well, did you know where the song originated, He Loves Us?

Let's look at it.  John Mark McMillan wrote the song the morning after he heard that a close friend (Steve) died from suffering injuries in a car crash the night before.  He was angry, upset, hurt and needed to vent what he felt, and for him that meant write a song.  He said even when making this video, seven years later, he still hurts and misses that friend.  See Christianity isn't always perfect.  It can be messy!

So, think about it.  Life can be hard but what are you going to do about it?  I encourage you to press into the Lord.  Love is not always pretty, clean and fabulous, sometimes it is very difficult and gross.

So let's listen to the song as sung by Kim Walker and take a minute to think about where the song came from...from the anger and desperation a of man before his God; a man who knew his God knew that he was angry and yet that God WOULD LOVE HIM THROUGH IT!

What do you need to take before the Lord and just pour out your heart about?  Let Him LOVE YOU!  What a great way to start the year!  In His LOVE!  Do you think He doesn't know what is eating you?  Really?  Pour out your heart; He knows, He cares and HE LOVES US!

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