Wednesday, February 20, 2013

52 Days of Miracles

About 10 days ago, David Wagner of Father's Heart Ministries came to my church and had incredible prophetic ministry to many who came.  My son, Josh was one of many that was ministered too during that week-end.  One of the words he had for our body was that there was going to be 52 days of miracles.  Well, tonight, my family saw one of those.

An hour-and-a-half ago my cell phone rings with an unknown number to me.  I usually don't answer calls I don't know, especially at 10:30 PM but I felt the Lord prompting me to answer it.

I answered and no one responded.  I said, "hello" again and still no response but I could tell someone was on the line.  Finally a third time I said, "hello" and I heard a voice that sounded like my son.  He said, "I'm fine but I have been in an accident.  Can you come and pick me up?  I'm at I-20 and Trail Lake Road."  (About 20 minutes from our home).  I said, "Is this Josh?" and he said, "Yes."  I then begin to flood him with questions.  "What happened?  Are you ok?  Are you sure you are ok?  Are you in pain?  Bleeding?  Are you in shock?  Does anything hurt?"

See, he was on a motorcycle and wearing a helmet but the weather had turned cold and rainy here tonight and he said he slid and fell on his bike.  He then goes on to tell me he slid on his butt on the freeway.  It was strange but I felt like it was very abstract for me.  It felt like I was sleeping or something.  I had total peace.  Very strange.  No fear, just information being shared.

I walked to find my husband (Keith) while I was gathering information from Josh and then we hung up as Keith was heading toward the trailer asking me to get another son out to help him load it.

When Josh got home we talked and he didn't know how, but the bike just started turning right and he said it was really surreal.  Like slow motion.  He then felt that he was sliding off the bike and was just trying to keep riding it as it kept dropping.  He saw sparks come as the tailpipe dragged on the concrete so he pushed the bike away with his left foot and he continued to slide on his back right hip down the road.

Josh had tried to stand up, as he thought he was done sliding but he wasn't.  Thinking he was stopped he moved his feet to stand but he was still moving forward and tumbled into a somersault hitting his left knee.  All this is happening while he is in the middle-lane of the interstate.

He finally got his footing and walked to his bike which was still running quite a few feet ahead of him.  The bike was facing on-coming traffic and he needed to clear the roadway.  He left the bike heading in the wrong direction with it's headlight shining into the on-coming traffic as he walked toward the shoulder.

A drunk man then stopped his car in the slow-lane and got out of his car to yell to the traffic behind him to go around.  Josh was shielded from the traffic with this guy in his car.   He then pulled over to check on Josh and to see if he was ok.  He was in a hurry and wanted to go but he also wanted to help Josh.  Wouldn't look too good if the police came and saw a drunk helping a motorcyclist who was in an accident - ya know what I mean?

Josh had no phone as his battery was dead so he had no way to call us and so this guy let him use his phone.  So that's why I didn't recognize the phone number when he called me.  It wasn't his phone.

Josh had pushed the bike to a nearby Starbucks parking lot and was waiting for Keith to come and get him.

I looked Josh over and there wasn't even a scuff on his jeans from where he road the pavement.  He did have a whitish smudge mark on his black jacket - on the shoulder that was NOT on the ground but other than that, he was just soaking wet!

I asked Josh if he felt that God was with him or if there was some heavenly help and he told me, that's the only thing that he could come up with.  He was driving at 65 miles an hour when this "slide" began and he really doesn't know exactly why or what happened.  Again, it was all just too surreal; like watching a movie but it happened to him!

Our God is SO faithful to watch over our children. Psalm 91:12 was the first verse the Lord gave me tonight:  They (the angels) will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

Then he said to me:  Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusts in thee. - Isaiah 26:3.  This is the verse the Lord gave me tonight.

I am rejoicing that indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.  - Psalm 121:4

We serve a FAITHFUL God and tonight I am just grateful for all the goodness He pours out to me.  Thank you Father that you love me and my son, so!