Wednesday, February 27, 2013


"I can't be rejected because I have been accepted." - Todd White

Think about this. If you are in Christ, YOU ARE ACCEPTED! End. Period. Done. You CAN'T be rejected. NO ONE can change that. NO ONE! Walk in a day of acceptance! It's already been paid for!

Today has been a tough day for me as I have personally been dealing with some people who are less than kind toward me.  They saw all manner of evil against me.  They slander me, reject me, disassociate with me and they don't bother to follow what the bible says to do when there is a difference among the brethren; Matthew 18.  Jesus KNEW we would have disputes and differences and the Word makes provision for such things - talk to the person!

We are to GO to the person we have "issue" with and talk to them about it.  Seems many in the faith today have their OWN version of the bible they like to read.  They delete "friends" from social media, they don't invite family/friends to their personal events and they slander those they disagree with without EVER talking to the person they have ought with.  There will be an increase in lawlessness (in the end) and we are told this will increase and the love of many will wax cold. Matthew 24:12.  As believers, this is UNBIBLICAL to just "cut and run" and I have seen many in the "body" (even pastors, leaders and chaplain's) act in this wrong manner.  We are to come to terms quickly before it is too late, Matthew 5:25 says. God forgive us!

No wonder the world is screwed up, the church can't even follow scripture and we expect the world to want this gospel?

I don't post this because life is easy, I post this because God is faithful!  We have got to get to the point where all that really matters to us is what God thinks about us and things in our life.  We have got to get over our own comfort, acceptance, popularity and/or approval.

In a world that is full of opinion polls it's time to take a step backward and see what GOD thinks about things.  HIS opinion is ALL that matters in the end.  So, you can reject me if you like - God has called me accepted.  He hung the stars in the sky, gave the planet life, placed me in my mother's womb, saved my soul and healed my body.  Praise His Holy Name!

When people start doing ALL that God has for you, then possibly you could care about what people think.  Just sayin'.