Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Call to Anguish

What a sad day for our country today. My heart is grieved as I reflect on scriptures and think about God's heart and how FAR we as a nation are drifting from His plan, His Will and His Word. Surely the Lord is grieved as we continue to pass laws against His Ways and stop laws that will turn our nation back to Him. I read about God's heart in His Word and how He deals with people who continue doing their OWN THING...people like us in our nation now. GOD FORGIVE US! GOD HELP US! GOD SAVE US! God SEND REVIVAL! It is a DANGEROUS thing to fall into the hands of a LIVING GOD!

This is NOT a people or person issue, this is a SIN issue and we as a nation are choosing SIN over God's Word. I have counseled and consoled many women who have chosen abortion. Every one has regretted her decision. Every year she is reminded of birthdays snuffed out, memories canceled and relationships finalized. I have yet to meet the mother who birthed her child who wishes she hadn't. Today in Texas we were unable to pass a law protecting babies over 20 weeks gestation and also requiring facilities to offer CLEAN services to mother's seeking abortion. This was STOPPED in the Bible belt, Texas! God Help Us! We are falling further and further from the Truth of the Word.

Also today in this nation the Supreme Court has paved the way for gay marriage under the Constitution. I have known many gay people, even family members who are gay but just because we all love people who are gay doesn't change God's heart on His Word. He loves them too, and He loves me and you - even in our sin, but that doesn't CHANGE His mind, His will or the consequences of sin. God defined marriage, a man and woman; and our changing of the law doesn't change God's definitions. Who do we think we are telling GOD the rules we will live by. Father Forgive us!

I know many people who steel, who lie, who cheat, who have affairs, who sleep around, who SIN and we don't legalize it, do we? Do you approve of sin in your life? Your children's lives? Really? God help us! I am CRYING out for God to forgive us and heal our land.

If you haven't read The HARBINGER, I suggest you do! GOD is giving us opportunity after opportunity to TURN TO HIM and we fail to heed His ever gentle warnings. He WILL get man's attention...God help us when he does! If God brought the plagues on Egypt do you think He will not do the same to America? It's a TIME to COVER THE DOORPOST with BLOOD! I am PRAYING the evil passes over my family and my friends but EACH of us has a part to do in this equation. You can't save me and I can't save you. GOD HELP US! We need you Lord!

I am reminded of a post I made back in 2011 by David Wilkerson David Wilkerson is in Glory.  
Take an hour today and listen to this TIMELY prophetic message called A CALL TO ANGUISH. Can you not tarry one hour?  Matthew 26:40.