Monday, October 3, 2016

The 2016 Election and Christianity

David Barton of WallBuilders
I have known David Barton personally for at least 15 years. He is a man of integrity and knowledge. Here is a short clip of him speaking at Sojourn Church in Dallas Texas on September 4, 2016.  INCREDIBLE, concise and to the point about what matters in this upcoming election cycle and the Christians living here in America. Please listen to what he has to say and ask the Lord about this election. You have until the 11th of October to register to vote here in Texas. If you are my friend reading this, I pray you will VOTE! Our children and their children's futures will be effected by the winner.  

Do you want to listen to the whole message that he gave at Sojourn Church?  Click here.  God help us if Christians again decide to stay home this election cycle!
Here is what he is talking about...follow these links and read for yourself what each party represents

Republican Party Platform
Click on WallBuilders  if you want more information about David Barton and his organization.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Katy Perry and her music...

So I guess I have been out-of-touch with trending music and "pop" culture as I didn't know much about Katy Perry before the Super Bowl last week-end. Interestingly enough, my children did, and they had a whole lot to say about it as I was getting up-to-date with her music, her style and her image.  They knew more than I had ever imagined and they had strong opinions of her life choices, her faith and how that was expressed through her spirituality.  I was surprised by their knowledge, so this caused me to dig deeper to find out what I didn't know.

One of my sons, who was the first to speak-out to me about her, was in a ministry school where she also attended; although she had long since gone from there when he arrived.  Her younger brother was there with my son, and my son knew of him. Katy's name was still relevant on the campus and there was a lot of discussion about her choices and her walking away from Christian music and even the Christian walk.  I was sadden to hear this.  Here is what I know, we may walk away from Jesus but He never walks away from us.