Saturday, August 12, 2017

The Prophetic Gift and Prebytery

We have such an amazing God who gives His people such amazing gifts.  These gifts come from heaven to us in many ways; through the Spirit of the Lord, of course, through the Word (the written Bible), and even through the gift of His people!

Today I was a website of one of my areas largest churches who continually have great pieces of heaven for the body of Christ.  This week-end they are speaking into some of their leadership and congregational people in an event called a "presbytery".  The word presbytery comes from the Greek word: presbuterion, which means "body of elders". So when a body of believers has a presbytery, the leaders (elders) from their circles of believers begin to seek the Lord and then set a time where random or selected people are ministered to in the way of prophecy for a night, a week-end, a week - whatever their timeframe is.  It is a time to encourage, exhort, refresh, impart and release people into new areas of ministry, speak potential into them, show them new places in the Lord and just overall encourage.  It should NEVER be a time to embarrass or call people out for past sins.

As I read the first two lines (under #2), I felt the Lord so strong where it said: “So when He wants you to do something, He’s going to speak it, or in other words, He’s going to impart it to you.” That was SO good! The Lord speaks to us because He wants us TO DO SOMETHING. So many times, people just do not respond to what God is doing, we hear Him, but do nothing with that information.  Father, forgive us!

When you have prophetic words spoken to you or over you about your destiny, HE WANTS YOU TO DO SOMETHING - to receive and act on that word.  Activate it!

What does that look like?  Well, just like when we build a house, we frame it in first. Prophetic words are the “frames” we build on - we attach structure to.  Take some time to read over (I hope you have them recorded or written down) the prophetic words spoken over you.  Look as see if you are activating in them.  Are you seeking the Lord to use those words to do the kingdom for the Lord.

To read more on what a presbytery is, go to: