Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Bill Gates and His Foundation

This is supposed to be a funny MEME but there is a lot stated here, think about it. When people show you who they are - believe them!

In an interview with the BBC in February 2016, Bill Gates said, "I have hacked school PCs to meet girls students". - hmmmm.  That should be an indicator of his ethics.  Breaking into the school computer to help him meet girls.  Tells us a bit about his character.

It is said he personally choose not to vaccinate his own children but currently, his vaccine empire, is under fire with a pending lawsuit as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is being investigated by the India Supreme Court for illegally testing tribal children with vaccines. (The death of girls who were part of the Human Papilloma Virus vaccine trial that was funded by the Gates Foundation brought a stop to the trial. Three trial doses had already been administered to 30,000 participants, mostly tribal girls aged between 9 and 14.)

Where is the outcry?

Where are the women organizations crying foul?

National Organization for Women? ....crickets.

Pay attention.